Monday, November 30, 2009

this is the most stressful week of my life. We have so many tests coming up so many projects to finish up. We have a company for PR who don't get backto use and we arranged several meetings and they either cancel or don't turn up. So STRESS . We have to complete our PR for thursday, web for tuesday and had a database exam which is impossible today and we have the database project to hand up friday and in the meantime we must study. I thought college was ment to be fun I didn't sign up to all this stress. Can't wait to get a full time job and have money for me:)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

almost into the 40's now chrostmas decorations going up everywhere so excited 3 presents down only few more to go .................................................Christmas songs wwilll be starting soon :) And then were on holidays

Monday, November 2, 2009

54 days till christmas...................................................................Gotta start shopping properly have one present so far well two kinda don't have a clue what to get for my mum any ideas are appriciated........................... I gna be ssssssoooooooooooo broke but sure wwho cares
